Keith Jarrett / Treasure Island


Treasure Island / 宝島
The treasure has always been there / 宝物はいつもそこにある
It is not hidden / 隠されてはいない
But is only where certain people would look / だけど、限られた人にしか見つけられない
At all / 誰もではないんだ
Thus it remains a secret to the rest / だから、他の人には秘密のままだ
And to solace themselves / そして心をやわらげるため
They say it's hidden / 隠されているんだ
Or buried / 埋められているかもしれない
To still their invading thoughts / 侵略を抑えるためにも
Some are calm and content / 穏やかに、それでいいという人もいる
Or at peace, in their words / それとも、心安らぎ、自分の言葉にして
Some are stirred and cloudy / 心動かされ憂鬱な人もいる
But they are improving their vision / だけど、彼らは未来を描いているんだ
Of the island / 島の
Of themselves / 自分自身の

1. The Rich (And The Poor)
2. Blue Streak
3. Fullsuvollivus (Fools Of All Of Us)
4. Treasure Island
5. Introduction / Yaqui Indian Folk Song
6. Le Mistral
7. Angles (Without Edges)
8. Sister Fortune

Keith Jarrett - piano, soprano saxophone (track 7)
Dewey Redman - tenor saxophone, tambourine
Charlie Haden - bass
Paul Motian - drums, percussion
Danny Johnson - percussion
Sam Brown - guitar (tracks 4,8)
Guilherme Franco - percussion

Recorded on February 27 & 28, 1974 at Generation Sound Studios, NYC.


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