Thelonious Monk / More Genius Of Thelonious Monk

CD化によって5曲が新たに加わった。アルバムGenius Of Modern Music Vol.1 & 2に収録されなかった曲の寄せ集めなのだが、Genius Of Modern Musicが複数のセッションによるものなので、統一感はそもそもない。6つのセッション全17曲を録音順(October 15, 1947 / October 24, 47 / November 21, 47 / July 2, 48 / July 23, 51 / May 30, 52)に並べている。

録音順に聴いて改めて思うが、モンクは初めからやはりモンクだった。マイルスやコルトレーンが徐々に自己のスタイルを確立していったのと大きく異なる。そして、録音データから、ブルーノートがモンクを精力的に売り出そうとしていたことも分かる。ジャケットにはhigh priest of bebopとまで書いてしまった。しかし、モンクの眼鏡には違和感があるのだが・・・。

1. Evonce
2. Suburban Eyes
3. Nice Work If You Can Get It
4. Ruby My Dear
5. Well You Needn't
6. April In Paris
7. Who Knows
8. All The Things You Are
9. I Should Care [alternate master]
10. I Should Care
11. Ask Me Now
12. Criss Cross
13. Skippy
14. Hornin' In
15. Sixteen [take 1]
16. Sixteen [take 2]
17. I'll Follow You

Tracks 1 & 2
Billy Smith - tenor saxophone / Danny Quebec West - alto saxophone / Idrees Sulieman - trumpet
Thelonious Monk - piano / Gene Ramey - bass / Art Blakey - drums
Recorded on October 15, 1947 at WOR Studios, NYC.

Tracks 3 - 6
Thelonious Monk - piano / Gene Ramey - bass / Art Blakey - drums
Recorded on October 24, 1947 at WOR Studios, NYC.

Track 7
Sahib Shihab - alto saxophone / George Taitt - trumpet
Thelonious Monk - piano / Bob Paige - bass / Art Blakey - drums
Recorded on November 21, 1947 at WOR Studios, NYC.

Tracks 8, 9 & 10
Milton Jackson - vibraphone / Thelonious Monk - piano / John Simmons - bass / Shadow Wilson - drums / Kenny 'Pancho' Hagood - vocals
Recorded on July 2, 1948 at Apex Studios, NYC.

Tracks 11 & 12
Sahib Shihab - alto saxophone / Milt Jackson - vibraphone / Thelonious Monk - piano / Al McKibbon - bass / Art Blakey - drums
Recorded on July 23, 1951 at WOR Studios, NYC.

Tracks 13 - 17
Lucky Thompson - tenor saxophone / Lou Donaldson - alto saxophone / Kenny Dorham - trumpet
Thelonious Monk - piano / Nelson Boyd - bass / Max Roach - drums
Recorded on May 30, 1952 at WOR Studios, NYC.


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