Ornette Coleman / At The Golden Circle Stockholm Vol.2

フリージャズではない。聴き手をフリーにさせるジャズ。LPのジャケット裏には、スウェーデンの新聞Svenska Dagbladetの記事(1965年11月24日付け)を掲載している。そこでは、コールマンこそが真のイノベーターと紹介している。


Ornette Colman's trio now and for the next two weeks at the Gyllene Cirkeln, is one of the great cultural events in Stockholm this fall. Rarely cay such strong words be used about a jazz event, but perhaps they never been as justified. It is beyond discussion that Ornette Coleman plays a central role in the new jazz. He belongs in the same class as John Coltrane, Elvin Jones, Eric Dolphy, Cecil Taylor, Don Cherry and perhaps a few more of the great innovators, but it is he who has become the symbol of the new jazz and he has given it a striking profile.

1. Snowflakes And Sunshine
2. Morning Song
3. The Riddle
4. Antiques
5. Morning Song [alternate take]
6. The Riddle [alternate take]
7. Antiques [alternate take]

Ornette Coleman - alto saxophone (except track 1), trumpet (track 1), violin (track 1)
David Izenzon - bass
Charles Moffett - drums

Recorded on December 3 & 4, 1965 at Golden Circle, Stockholm.


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